Si nos sale este error --- a 001-mediawiki named text file must be created in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory after an error is generated, stating that the 001-mediawiki file or folder doesn't exist .
Tenemos que hacer esto si tenemos el error anterior $ sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/mediawiki1.10.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-mediawiki $ sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart
Para que funcione hay que hacer un directorio virtual que metemos en la configuracion por defecto que tiene apache $ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default #
NameVirtualHost *
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/ #
Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny allow from all
This directive allows us to have apache2's default start page
#in /apache2-default/, but still have / go to the right place #RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/
Entramos en la pagina de configuracion de MediaWiki y los datos que nos pide para crear un nuevo sitio son Wiki name : wikiblomContact e-mail : webmaster@localhost Language : es-Español Copyright/license : No license metadata Admin username : root Password : 654123 Password confirm : 654123 Shared memory : No caching E-mail features : Enabled User-to-user e-mail : Enabled E-mail notification about changes : Enabled for changes to user discussion pages, and to pages on watchlist E-mail address authentication: Enabled Database type : MySQL Database host : localhost Database name : wikidb DB username : wikiuser DB passwork : user DB password confirm : user Superuser account : Use superuser account Superuser name : root Superuser password : 654123 Database table prefix : mw_ Database charset : Backwards-compatible UTF-8
Checking environment...
Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.
* PHP 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.2 installed
* Found database drivers for: MySQL
* PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title)
* Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
* Session save path (/var/lib/php5) appears to be valid.
* PHP's memory_limit is 128M.
* Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator, or APC. Object caching functions cannot be used.
* Found GNU diff3: /usr/bin/diff3.
* Found ImageMagick: /usr/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.
* Installation directory: /var/lib/mediawiki1.10
* Script URI path: /mediawiki
* Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.
Generating configuration file...
* Database type: MySQL
* Loading class: DatabaseMysql
* Attempting to connect to database server as root...success.
* Connected to 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3-log
* Attempting to create database...
* Created database wikidb
* Creating tables... done.
* Initializing data...
* Granting user permissions to wikiuser on wikidb...success.
* Created sysop account root.
Creating LocalSettings.php...
Installation successful! Move the config/LocalSettings.php file to /etc/mediawiki1.10/LocalSettings.php for normal install, root of your install for multisite, with rights 640, then follow this link to your wiki.
Cambiamos los permisos del fichero de configuracion
La configuración por defecto de MediaWiki se establece en el archivo includes\DefaultSettings.php Éste archivo no se debe editar ya que si lo hacemos, se machacaría cuando actualicemos el MediaWiki, con lo cual perderíamos nuestra personalización. Lo que se debe hacer es copiar en el archivo LocalSettings.php las líneas que queramos modificar, y editar sobre éste último archivo. Como primero se procesa el archivo DefaultSettings.php y luego el archivo LocalSettings.php, cuando dos parámetros se repiten en ambos, prevalecerán los valores establecidos en LocalSettings.php. Permitir la subida de archivos
Un parámetro que debemos modificar en LocalSettings.php es el de permitir la subida de archivos. Es imprescindible que permitamos subir archivos ya que además de contenido de texto, nos interesara habilitar la posibilidad de que los usuarios puedan subir imágenes, documentos, etc… Estableceremos el parámetro $wgEnableUploads a 'true'.
$wgEnableUploads = true;
No es posible subir archivos de forma anónima. Para poder subir archivos es necesario estar registrado en el MediaWiki. Por defecto, solamente se permiten subir imágenes 'png', ' gif', 'jpg' y 'jpeg'. Permitir otras extensiones de archivos Por defecto, MediaWiki solo permite subir archivos de imágenes ( 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg' ). Para permitir que se puedan subir otros tipos de archivos como pdfs, zip, etc… copiaremos el parámetro $wgFileExtensions de DefaultSettings.php a LocalSettings.php y estableceremos las extensiones de archivos que deseamos permitir:
$wgFileExtensions = array( 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'mp3', 'ogg ', 'avi', 'swf', 'pdf', 'zip', 'doc', 'xls' ); Al finalizar la configuracion de mediawiki y conectar con la maquina a traves del navegador http://nilo/mediawiki/config/index.php nos da el siguiente mensaje
MediaWiki 1.10.2 Installation
Setup has completed, your wiki is configured.
Please delete the /config directory for extra security.
Para acceder a la base de datos de mysql se configura phpmyadmin para que funcione bajo apache2 Una vez configurado se puede acceder con el navegador en la siguiente direccion Nos pedira el usuario y la contraseña para poder conectar.
Para cambiar la contraseña del ususario root de mysql
Crear un fichero que se llame /home/sysadmin/mysql-init con estas 2 lineas $sudo vi /home/sysadmin/mysql-init UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('MyNewPass') WHERE User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Paramos la base de datos de mysql $sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
Ejecutamos el fichero creado $sudo mysqld_safe --init-file=/home/sysadmin/mysql-init & [1] 7737 sysadmin@berny:~$ Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql mysqld_safe[7774]: started STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/ mysqld_safe[7783]: ended
Iniciamos la base de datos de mysql $sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start * Starting MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
Probamos que podemos entrar solo con la nueva contraseña $mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 Server version: 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3-log Debian etch distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> exit Bye
Borramos el fichero creado para que nadie nos lo pille $sudo rm /home/sysadmin/mysql-init
Algunas soluciones a la instalacion
Si al arrancar el servicio de apache nos sale el siguiente error $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart : * Restarting web server apache2 ::apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using vallekas.val.blom.lan for ServerName httpd (no pid file) not running apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using vallekas.val.blom.lan for ServerName ::::::[ OK ]
Lo podemos solucionar editando el fichero /etc/apache2/apache2.conf y poniendo el nombre del servidor, incluir las siguientes lineas ... ServerRoot "/etc/apache2" ServerName "nilo.val.blom.lan" ...
Para que funcione la administracion de php a traves de http tenemos que instalar el paquete phpmyadmin $apt-get install phpmyadmin
El directorio que contiene las imagenes y el index.html de inicio es /var/www/ que se inicia al poner http://nilo.val.blom.lan El logo de la wiki se encuentra en esta ruta /usr/share/mediawiki1.10/skins/common/images/wiki.png Para poner imagenes o subir cualquier tipo de archivo se hace desde el enlace de la izquierda del menu que pone * Subir archivo Para mostrar una imagen se pone:
Para poder descargar un fichero (por ejemplo un .zip) desde la mediawiki se hace poniendo un enlace de la siguiente manera:
The file provides local configuration settings (based on the DefaultSettings.php file) of a MediaWiki installation. You should take your time to review the settings in this file. The file is usually generated by the web-based MediaWiki installer but you might want to tweak some of the parameters, possibly in concert with Apache settings.
Changing a setting usually means changing the value of a PHP variable. You might want to make yourself familiar with the PHP syntax first before going ahead. As a rule of thumb, keep in mind that PHP variables are accessed by prepending a "$" character before the variable name; many variables are simply set to either true or false.
Your changes will take effect immediately after saving the file: there is no need to manually "restart" anything. In some cases you may need to clear your browser's cache to see changes.
The default values of many more settings are set in includes/DefaultSettings.php, which should not be edited; if the variable you want to change is not already mentioned in your LocalSettings.php, copy the appropriate line from DefaultSettings and modify it appropriately. Within LocalSettings.php you could add new lines at the end. All such lines should certainly appear below the line which says 'require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );'
Within the file, there can also be several lines such as 'require_once( "extensions/extension.php" );', which link to other extensions enabled on the wiki. Those extensions may require setting the values of more variables in LocalSettings.php; check the extension's documentation for further instructions. A list of extensions is available at Extension Matrix.
Do not place extensions before the require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" ); line; that will blank the extension setup function arrays, causing no extensions to be installed, and probably making your wiki inaccessible.
Your version of LocalSettings.php may not end with a closing PHP tag of ?>. This is done on purpose, as it prevents people from accidentally adding new information after this tag. PHP will function just fine without a closing tag.
See the configuration settings index and the comments included in the settings files for help on what all the variables do. A short listing of the most important variables, as well as the most requested features, is listed below.
If you have a wiki on a MediaWiki wiki farm you may not have write-access (perhaps not even read-access) to the file LocalSettings.php (see e.g.[1]). The wiki farm company may or may not be willing to make changes you desire. Perhaps it wants to keep most settings the same on all wikis of the wiki farm.
The $IP (include path) variable holds the local file path to the base installation of your wiki. Make sure you refer to the fully qualified file path. Do not include a slash at the end of the path.
The DefaultSettings.php file gets loaded from the directory designated by the IP variable.
The $wgSitename variable holds the name of your wiki setup. This name gets included many times throughout the system. For instance, the Wikipedia tagline "'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia."' makes use of this setting.
The $wgLanguageCode variable controls the language of your wiki's interface. While users can switch the language they see in their preferences, this variable sets the default language that all anonymous users and most registered users see.
$wgScriptPath is the URL path prefix to access the main MediaWiki script that is the central acting piece of code of MediaWiki. This setting should correspond to the Apache settings, especially if you are using Apache's rewrite rules.
$wgServer can be used optionally to overwrite the automatic detection. When the wiki is accessed from either the localhost where it runs, from an intranet or from the internet, e-mail notifications and a few other computed messages would be usually delivered with the different URLs. Using $wgServer overwrites the detection and the server name will be constant.
If is the server address of your wiki as seen from the internet, add a line such as $wgServer = '';
The magic word variable {{SERVER}} can be used on wiki pages; it equals the value of $wgServer.
$wgScript is the name of the main (index) MediaWiki PHP script, named index.php by default. Changing the script name is probably not a good idea. However, if you feel the urge to do so, this is the place to make your changes. Make sure you know what you are doing.
The $wgRedirectScript variable specifies the URL path to the redirect script which handles redirects in MediaWiki. This setting is similar to wgScript as you can configure the exact name of the script. As mentioned above, this is probably not a good idea unless you really know what you are doing.
$wgArticlePath is the path to use when accessing a page in MediaWiki. The path should contain the path to the main script (usually making use of $wgScript) and use the $1 placeholder for the article name.
If you are using Apache rewrite rules to create pretty and short URLs, you probably need to adjust $wgArticlePath to address the right path. Note that wgArticlePath is used to construct URLs from within MediaWiki. If you make a mistake here, internal links will show up incorrectly while you still may be able to access the main page by specifying the correct URL manually. See Manual:Short URL for more information on URL configuration.
Typical values are:
pass the article name with separator "/"
pass the article name as a parameter (old style)
custom path. Use Apache rewrite rules to convert "mypath" to the proper path accessing the main script
Use the $wgStylePath variable to set the URL path to the place where the stylesheets (CSS) for the MediaWiki installation are located. The $wgStyleDirectory variable should point the same place, but note that this is a local file system path for use in internal scripts accessing the file system.
The upload directory is the place where files uploaded by the users are stored. The $wgUploadPath variable specifies the URL path, the $wgUploadDirectory points to the local file system path.
This replaces the default logo in the /wiki/skins/common/images/ directory.
Another option is to direct the $wgStylePath variable to the Upload Directory to be able to exchange the logo by updating uploaded files.
$wgStylePath is usually YOUR_WIKI_FOLDER/wiki/skins.
Note that in the example given, the $wgLogo points to /wiki/skins/common/images/wiki.png with the first part being defined by $wgStylePath. Make sure you have both correct, or $wgLogo will not point to where you think it's pointing.
The $wgEmergencyContact variable is the e-mail address of the user to contact when things happen. This e-mail address is used to send internal bug reports to. As an administrator, you want to include your e-mail address here.
The $wgPasswordSender variable is the e-mail address where e-mail gets sent from, when passwords are sent out to users who have forgotten their passwords. Choose an address people can reply to in case of trouble or confusion.
MediaWiki needs access to the database (currently either MySQL or PostgreSQL) to store pages, modifications, user information, and a lot more things.
The $wgDBserver contains the hostname where the database is hosted on. In most cases this will be just "localhost" as the database is run on the same system, but for distributed installations, you need to fill in the fully qualified domain name of the computer running the database.
$wgDBname is the database name of the database to be used by MediaWiki. A single MySQL or PostgreSQL installation can store more than one database and you can even run many MediaWiki installations on a single server. Make sure you have stated the correct database name here and use different database names for different wiki installations on the same database server.
The $wgDBuser and $wgDBpassword variables contain the login name and password to be used by MediaWiki to access the database. Make sure the specified user has the proper access rights to be able to manipulate the wiki's table on the database server.
Keep in mind that the LocalSettings.php permissions should not allow other users to view this file as it contains security-related data, including your database user password. chmod 700 or otherwise set the permissions to something that provides security from public access. Additionally, the database user only needs to have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE permissions for the database. See also AdminSettings.php which is a MySql user that has superuser database permissions to run the maintenance scripts.
The $wgGroupPermissions is an associative array, controlling permissions for creating and editing pages for your different user groups. In this array, custom permission levels can be created, and permission levels for the different user groups can be set. See Help:User rights for more information about the different permissions and user groups available.
By default, no page name can start with a lowercase Roman letter: in an attempt to do so the first letter is converted to uppercase; if a link target, included page, image or category is specified with a name starting with a lowercase letter, the actual target etc. is the page starting with the corresponding capital.
Alternatively page names can start with a lowercase letter, in addition to the possibilities of starting with a capital, a digit, etc. For that you must adjust the $wgCapitalLinks variable. Setting it to false allows lowercase characters, true chooses the default behaviour.
Before users are allowed to upload files to the MediaWiki system, you have to enable that feature. Make sure the Upload Directory is properly configured and writeable by the Apache web server process. Then set the $wgEnableUploads variable to true to allow uploading in the web user interface.
i.e. Here's some example code from includes/DefaultSettings.php to put in LocalSettings.php. $wgUploadPath = "$wgScriptPath/uploads"; ## Wiki 1.5 defaults to /images, but allows more than just images $wgUploadDirectory = "$IP/uploads"; ## Wiki 1.5 defaults to /images, but allows more than just images
To enable image uploads, make sure the above '$wgUploadPath' directory is writable by Apache User or group.
(i.e. chmod og+w uploads images) then the following should be true:
If you want to use image uploads under safe mode, create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment this, if it's not already uncommented:
$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false; If you want to be able to resize images on the fly to support thumbnails, MediaWiki needs a working ImageMagick installation. Set the $wgUseImageResize and $wgUseImageMagick variables totrue once you have installed and tested ImageMagick on your system. Make sure the $wgImageMagickConvertCommand variable points to the proper location of the convert command of your installation and that the command is executable by the web server process.
Also, you may want to modify the list of accepted extensions, which is stored within the $wgFileExtensions array: $wgFileExtensions = array('png','jpg','jpeg','ogg','doc','xls','ppt','mp3','sxc','pdf','nse');
In case you run into trouble with ImageMagick, and obtain the following error message:
Fatal error: mime_magic could not be initialized, magic file is not available in includes/MimeMagic.php on line 506
Try adding the following line to LocalSettings.php:
In order to render mathematical formulae in LaTeX, you need a working LaTeX installation on your system. Set the $wgUseTeX variable to true to enable that feature. Also make sure the $wgMathPath, $wgMathDirectory and$wgTmpDirectory are set properly, but you might want to go with the default values unless you have a very good reason to change it.
InterWiki support is built into MediaWiki but you need to configure the prefix to be used for your internal links. This prefix is usually the same as $wgSitename, but in case you need to change that, you set the $wgLocalInterwiki variable to the preferred name.
MediaWiki allows for a variety of localized user interfaces languages instead of the english default. If you want to run your wiki in a non-English language, set the $wgLanguageCode variable to the proper language code (e.g. "de" for German, "es" for Spanish, etc.)
You may use any of the languages found in the directory language. E.g., if you find MessagesEs.php, you can use "es" for Spanish. Do not use "Es" with a capital letter. Although it seems to work, not all texts are translated.
Note: After changing the language code, you will need to run a php script to make it work. With your command line tool, go to your wiki directory, open the "maintenance" folder, and type "php rebuildMessages.php --rebuild". Please note that on Windows, the PHP folder might not be included in the PATH environment variable.
Not all languages are supported. See here for a list of the localisation statistics of 1.14.0. See Betawiki for the statistics per released version.
$wgRightsText is the text in the footer that follows "Content is available under". It will be linked to the page specified in $wgRightsPage.
$wgRightsIcon is the URL of the image placed at the left of the footer.
Note: If $wgRightsPage is non-empty, the link in the copyright/license notice will link to that page on your site. If $wgRightsPage is empty then the copyright/license notice will link to $wgRightsUrl instead.
To modify the copyright statements of the site, add something like this to LocalSettings.php: $wgRightsPage = "YourWiki:Copyright"; $wgRightsText = "copyright YourWiki"; Afterwards, edit MediaWiki:Copyright to provide an appropriate message, using "$1" to indicate the position where the link to your copyright page will be.
For $wgRightsText enter the text the second anchor links from (add the "a" to the Wiki variable for a more grammatically correct version)
$wgRightsText = "a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License";
For $wgRightsIcon enter the src info from the img link in the first anchor. You want to copy the badge to your own site instead of using the one from the Creative Commons site.
By declaring the $wgExtraNamespaces array, and modifying the $wgNamespacesWithSubpages, and $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault arrays, extra namespaces can be added to a MediaWiki installation. Take heed not to have any pages already titled in that namespace, for instance in you had a page called "Technical:Support" and you created the Technical: namespace, then that page would not only be lost, but you cannot remove it from Special:Allpages. To fix this delete the namespace, move "Technical:Support" to "Support" in mainspace, delete the redirect, reinsert the namespace, and move it back to "Technical:Support". See Custom namespaces for more information as to how to do so.
[editar]Como dar permisos a los usuarios de la mediawiki
[Editar] La concesión de derechos a los usuarios
Hay una interfaz simple (Especial: Userrights) para la concesión de un nombre de usuario 'sysop "o (en MediaWiki 1,11) la concesión y revocación de los miembros de los grupos asociados con todos los derechos de los usuarios - un usuario con' burócrata 'puede entrar en un estado de usuario en este forma de hacerlo.
Las versiones antiguas de MediaWiki (antes de 1.5) no tiene una interfaz general para la fijación de los derechos de los usuarios sobre el terreno de las cuentas de usuario (uso especial: Makesysop lugar).
MediaWiki En versiones anteriores a la asignación de 1,11 cuentas estado distinto "sysop" (incluida la eliminación de 'sysop' estado) tiene que ser realizado en forma manual mediante la emisión de una consulta SQL en la base de datos. Por lo general, usted quiere hacer algo como esto (si estás utilizando 1.4 o superior, véase más abajo):
> mysql -u root -p > Mysql-u root-p
mysql> use wikidb; mysql> wikidb uso;
mysql> UPDATE usuario AJUSTE user_rights = 'burócrata, sysop' WHERE user_name = 'El nombre de usuario';
El "usuario" en el texto anterior es la tabla user en la base de datos wikidb.
El user_rights campo es en realidad una lista separada por comas; actualmente cuatro valores son reconocidos por el software:
El nombre de usuario es la persona que desea darle sysop derechos.
Tenga en cuenta que probablemente necesite para salir y volver a iniciar sesión en los derechos de información que se ha actualizado correctamente.
MediaWiki versión: 1.4 o más
Si está utilizando 1.4: El campo user_rights se ha eliminado y los derechos de usuario se encuentra en su propia tabla. La nueva tabla es user_rights. Contiene dos campos; ur_user y ur_rights. Esta consulta SQL debe hacer el truco.
UPDATE user_rights SET ur_rights="bureaucrat,sysop" WHERE ur_user=1;
Es posible que tenga que reemplazar el número 1 con la ID de usuario. El usuario tendrá que salir y volver a iniciar sesión antes de que los derechos de los usuarios será, en efecto.
MediaWiki versión: 1.5 o posterior
Si está utilizando 1.5: Los derechos de usuario en una nueva tabla llamada user_groups con dos campos llamados ug_user y ug_group. Debe haber insertado una fila para cada derecho de usuario. Usted debe conocer el número de ID de usuario que el usuario del "usuario" de la tabla. Esta consulta SQL debe hacer el truco. En el siguiente ejemplo de sustituya el 1, con número de identificación de usuario de la tabla user.
INSERT INTO user_groups (ug_user, ug_group) VALUES ('1', 'bureaucrat');
INSERT INTO user_groups (ug_user, ug_group) VALUES ('1', 'sysop');
[Editar] Uso de phpMyAdmin
Si no tiene acceso a MySQL en bruto, puede actualizar uno de los privilegios de usuario a través de phpMyAdmin. En primer lugar abrir phpMyAdmin, y desde la parte izquierda del cuadro, elegir su base de datos de la wiki de la lista desplegable. En la parte derecha del cuadro, una página se cargue la lista de todos los campos de la tabla. En la parte superior de la página en la parte derecha del cuadro, haga clic en el "SQL" ficha. Ahora debe ver un cuadro de texto. Escriba en la casilla de búsqueda de la caja.
Por ejemplo, si usted está tratando de dar a un usuario privilegios de Administrador y burócrata en 1.4, deberá teclear:
UPDATE user_rights SET ur_rights="bureaucrat,sysop" WHERE ur_user=1;
...sustituyendo, por supuesto, el "1" en "ur_user = 1" con el ID del usuario. (Usted puede encontrar esta haciendo clic en el enlace en la parte izquierda del cuadro que dice "usuario". A continuación, haga clic en "Browse" y encontrar el nombre del usuario. La identificación será a la izquierda.)
A continuación, pulse "GO". Si no ve un mensaje de "error" es que funcionó.
En las versiones más recientes tiene que introducir (véase más arriba)
INSERT INTO user_groups (ug_user, ug_group) VALUES ('1', 'bureaucrat'); INSERT INTO user_groups (ug_user, ug_group) VALUES ('1', 'sysop');
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